3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Facebook

It seems that a lot of bloggers use FB to get traffic. And yes, you can get crazy amounts of traffic, but should you rely on it?

Unfortunately I still use and even rely on FB, but I am almost constantly trying to build my other traffic sources like SEO and Pinterest.

Today I’m going to show you why you should not rely on Facebook and why you should make building your other traffic sources a priority.

The Group Admins

Group admins will often deny posts that have links in them. Group admins on Facebook aren’t bad. They have every right to do what they want to with their group. And because of this, they usually don’t want other people sharing stuff on their group.

They probably just don’t want spammers and scammers ruining their group. But people who are just bloggers may suffer if some group admin in one of the groups they share in decides that they don’t want members sharing links anymore. This is one reason why FB is just no reliable.

FB Is Full of Scammers & Scrapers

Facebook are just full of scammers and scrapers. It’s basically out of control. You won’t believe the number of groups that are either ran or completely full of scammers.

Scrapers are even worse. Scrapers copy and paste your content and put it in their site or Facebook. It seems that food bloggers usually suffer the most from them.

3 Amazing Facebook Sharing Tips That Actually Help

There are hundreds if not thousands of bloggers right now who get the majority of their traffic from posting links on Facebook.

It’s a popular way to get traffic. Why? Well, it’s easy. All you have to do is write an article and share it in some groups. But, getting a lot of traffic? Well, that’s another story.

I’m not an expert when it comes to FB sharing, but I do know a few things that made my traffic increase by 732.5% (no, I am not joking) and I want to share those things with you in this article.

Use Amazing Images That Catch People’s Attention

You NEED to make sure you have eye-catching thumbnails for your articles. No, it doesn’t have to be the best photo in the world, but it needs to catch people’s attention.

I say this because the one thing most people will see that will catch their eye when they scroll through their feed are stunning photos.

FB users are generally less likely to click on the article if it’s just an average photo. Unfortunately, I can’t show you any statistics for this, but think about it, people are scrolling through their feed, and one of the first things they will see on your post is the picture.

I’m not saying that you won’t get any traffic if you have an average thumbnail, but I am saying that if you want to boost your traffic from Facebook, use eye-catching thumbnails.

Share In Specific Groups

Sometimes (at least for me) when you share an article on Facebook you’re targeting a specific audience. And how do you actually reach that audience? You share in groups that have the type of people you’re looking for.

For example, if you wrote an article about Argentina, share the article in groups that are about Argentina. If you made a recipe that’s gluten free, share the recipe in a group for gluten free recipes.

This way you’re sharing content that people are more likely to be interested in.

Ask A Questi/on

Ever thought about asking a question when you share your articles? It may seem pointless, but it can actually indirectly help you get more traffic.

Here’s how it works. Facebook notifies FB users when someone asks a question in a group they’re in. This alone is a good reason. But, there’s more. When people see that you’re asking a question, they might answer the question which boosts you’re post closer to the top of the feed on FB groups.

Then, more people will see the post and might click on the link, or answer the question which will boost your post closer to the top of the group feed again.


I hope that you find this article helpful. Although I don’t believe Facebook is the best traffic source, I know that many use it (including myself) and it does have the potential to get you some traffic if you know how to use it.