What is the Russellville Voice and how to use it.

The Russellville Voice is a great way to connect with the people of Russellville.

We created the Voice to engage the people of Russellville in a group conversation.

Since covid, we have all been corraled into staying home more and using online sources of information for news and community announcements. Things seem to have changed, and we have changed. We no longer wait for days for our information, or rely on professional sources to give it to us, but instead find it more enticing to rely entirely on social sources, assuming the newspaper and other professional sources will always be there. They may not.

There are unexpected consequences to this, namely that we are no longer as connected as we used to be. Instead of getting all of our information from a central source, we are now more tribal than ever. We now revert into our own tribal spaces unable or unwilling to engage with those we disagree with.

Not that being exposed to views that are different than our own is community building, but the fact that we are now no longer able to disagree in a civil way, divided into our own tribal groups, is troublesome. We continuously battle for dominance.

Whether it’s social differences, economic differences, or even sexual differences, we are more divided now than ever. One purpose of the Russellville Voice is to bring us together again as a community.

This may be a painful process. There are differences that cannot be healed, but we will, at least, learn to hear the voices of those we disagree with in a civil manner.

The voice is moderated, meaning every post, photo, video, business listing and comment is moderated before being approved. We have no problem with people saying stuff, even wrong stuff, that we disagree with, if those comments are kind and considerate of others. Don’t share something you know will offend others. You can speak your mind without being offensive.

So, please use the Russellville Voice for your events, announcements, opinions, business advertisements, news and more. Each post will be filtered into their respective section. This will allow us all to benefit from this group effort called the Russellville Voice.



