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If you have a fundraiser or your organization is raising money for a project or need, please share it here. Please share your church, community, organizations or even if you’re just looking to raise funds for something personal. Be sure to share details how one would contact you to contribute.
How to start a Fundraiser
Fundraising Ideas
If you ever wanted to start a fundraiser, here are some great and tried ideas.
If you ever wanted to start a fundraiser, here are some great and tried ideas.
Host a Clean Up Day
In our increasingly busy society, sometimes things around the house get out of hand. Create a signup page on social media where people can register for a clean-up day. With this type of event, consider also placing flyers in local community gathering places and churches. With all event planning, the more ways you get the word out, the better.
Gather volunteers and get to cleaning. This can include things like painting a house, lawn-mowing, or actual house cleaning. You will be surprised how many people are willing to pay for the extra help! To save money, ask the donors to have their own cleaning products, and you will provide the labor.
Things to consider
- Probably best to do this in your church or community where you feel safe.
- Always go in groups or teams. Never enter a home of a stranger (or even someone you know) alone. Better to be safe than sorry.
- Have volunteers brings their own gloves and safety goggles.
- Be sure to wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty in.
- Bring sufficient food and drinks if you plan to work all day.
How to market/advertise this fundraiser
- Be sure to include it one of our fundraiser pages, then share this listing via social media
- If you are hosting this event with your church, ask to have the event included in your church bulletin or ask your pastor/priest to make an announcement or allow you to make the announcement.
- Print a flyer and pass it around town. Be sure to include your contact info in the flyer.