5 Handy Tips for Beginner Pixel Artists

Pixel art has been around since the dawn of video games in the 70s and 80s. Ever since it has grown in popularity. At first, it was just for the game developers, but eventually, individuals embraced the style and began making their pixel art masterpieces. This style is generally easier than normal artwork, but also can be harder in some ways.

In this article, I am here to help! I am learning new things about pixel art everyday and I will show you 5 things I have learned that really have improved my pixel art!

1. Use Hue Shifting To Make Your Pixel Art More Vibrant

If you’re anything like how I was just until a while ago, you might only worry about brightness (and maybe saturation) when you’re dealing with shading and brighter areas. While that is fine for some artwork, there is a way to make your pixel art more vibrant and realistic.

This is called hue shifting. With hue shifting, the hue (color) actually changes for shading and brighter areas. What you need to know with hue shifting is brighter areas should begin to shift towards yellow and for shading, purple. You can see this in the example above. Notice how more vibrant the ball on the right is?

2. Use In Between Pixels of the Primary & Secondary Colors For Smoothness

Sometimes when we include a curve or ball in a pixel art drawing (such as a baseball) we might want to create a smooth look. We can accomplish this by including pixels with the in-between colors of the background and line. You can see that in the example given above.

3. Break Up Lines to Make Them Appear Softer

As pixel artists, we have to do some things that normal artists don’t usually do. This is one of them. Sometimes to make a line feel less pronounced, we can break it up into smaller segments. You can see this in the example above.

You can use this technique to make lines between a character’s head and torso so you can distinguish the two without making them feel separated. You can also use this trick to make an edge to a building a little less eye-catching.

4. Use Dithering To Shade When You Have a Limited Pallet

If you have a limited pallet but want to make the shaded and brightened parts of your artwork more unified with the rest, you might find that dithering helps.

Dithering will allow you to create in-between stages of your shading and brightening without having to use another in-between color.

5. Decide What The Smallest Detail of Your Pixel Art Is

While this isn’t necessarily a technique in drawing pixel art, it can help you decide your canvas or sprite size. Pixel artists can determine the size of their pixel art by deciding what the smallest detail they want to have in their pixel art.

For example, if you want to make a character and you want their eyes to be 2×2 pixels, you can actually make their eyes first and then make the rest with that as a guide.


While pixel art tends to be easier than normal art, it also can be a bit more difficult to make pixel art. But, if you know the techniques, you can use them as tools in your toolbox to make beautiful pixel art with just some practice!

Some things to help Needy Paws

We recently reached out to Needy Paws in Clarksville and asked them what we, as a group, could do to help them and this is their response. While this shelter isn’t specific to Russellville, 1) we thought some of you might want to take up the mantle and help them as well, and/or 2) the things mentioned here, could help our own local shelter as well.


Okay, thank you! I saw your message on the Needy Paws account and was trying to find the group through my personal so I could join 😅

So outside of volunteering, we’d love to have some more dog fosters set up for dogs that just need a break from the kennel life. It wouldn’t need to be long term but just for those dogs that are showing signs of stress and going kennel crazy, to essentially have a “reset button”.

I’d love to get programs going that offer free/reduced cost microchip and vaccine clinics. The issue we’ve had with this is getting a local veterinarian to donate their time for something like this. If anyone knows of a vet that would be willing to do something like that for the community (Needy Paws would purchase the microchips/vaccines of course) that would be amazing.

We offer spay/neuter vouchers for residents of Johnson/Pope counties and issue out alot but the usage rate is only 40%. Im working on getting more information from the community as to why the vouchers aren’t being used but we could potentially use a few volunteers to assist with, for example, if it’s an elderly resident that can’t drive their animal to the vet or if they’re working several jobs and don’t have the time to get the animal to or from the vet.

Aside from what’s been mentioned above if we have members of the community that can grant write or have experience planning and executing fundraisers we could really use it. The staff and I’s time is mainly dedicated to the day to day operations and we don’t have much time outside of that to do fundraising or grants. The property is in need of a little TLC/repairs but the money in the bank is going towards the animals (as it should) but there’s more going out than coming in, if you catch my drift.

I hope this helps some! Thank you for starting this group!