How would one get rid of problem animals in their neighborhood w/o using a gun or hauling them to the...
Have you recently looked through your home and said to yourself, “wow, this place is a mess”? If so, you are not alone.
Have you recently looked through your home and said to yourself, “wow, this place is a mess”? How did it get that way? If so, you are not alone.
Our homes are a direct reflection of our lives and our inner most personal conflicts. If you’re home is a mess, there’s a good chance, actually 1000% that YOU are a mess and I’m sure you would agree.
Why do I say that? Because your home is where you live, where you function. Your home is the best reflection of you and your habits. Do you have dirty clothes on the floor, food sitting out for days, dirty dishes in the sink?
Maybe you’re home is pretty clean, but you know you need help with organizing, maybe your finances, maybe it’s your diet, maybe it’s your personal life. This article will help you understand not only why you struggle with organization but how to fix it.
It’s important to explain what we’re talking about when we talk about being organized. You can have it altogether, and still be disorganized, if you don’t understand what organization is and how it works. So let’s address the basics.
At the heart of organization is efficiency.
I’m going to share with you, a thought that completely changed my life. It made me realize something that has transformed my thinking. It’s just this.. “organization is the key to life, success and happiness”.
Because of the complete and total lie of evolution, most people are totally unaware of the sheer complexity of life. But not just the complexity of it, but the way in which life, in all of it’s complexity, has organization at it’s core. The process of life is not only complex, but amazing in it’s organization.
The lie of evolution is that disorganization and chaos somehow created complexity and thus life. Life, even in it’s most “simple” forms MUST be organized in order to live, function, survive and reproduce. Disorganization, cannot create organization and therefore cannot create life.
What do we call a business? We call them an “organization”. Why? Because that’s what it is. Every business, charity or non-profit is organized or they simply could not exist. A disorganized business or charity, is one that cannot function and will not function for long.
If you’re reading this, you’re on a computer. Every function on a computer is carried out in an organized fashion. Computers are organized as to when functions are to carried out and how they are carried out. Lines of code are complex and organized. A disorganized code will destroy or damage your computer.
Some people, in recent days, have began glorifying disorganization. Memes that appear from time to time say things like “an organized woman is a boring woman” and multi-tasking has become a sign of strength and intelligence.
Let’s talk more about multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is a misnomer. You’re not doing multiple things at once, you’re scatter-brained. You’re so unfocused that you’re unable to give anything your attention to completion. It’s really not a sign of strength or intelligence to multi-task.
The fact is, you can only perform one task at a time. To ‘multi-task” means that you have to change your focus to bring multiple tasks to completion at the same time.
With that said, you can stay focused on small tasks, finish them and move on to something else.
And that’s to the heart of clutter and organization. If your home is disorganized or a mess, could it be because you have unfinished projects?
Maybe you start a project because, for whatever reason, it seemed like a good idea at the time. But after a while, you get bored with it and set it aside with the intent to revisit the project later, only to either never pick it back up again. Then it sits there, as a reminder, that you still need to do something with it. Yet, another unfinished project.
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