Where to get your oil changed in Russellville

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Tracy Polasek Kubena

I get mine changed at Phil Wright, just because it’s where I bought my vehicle at. I think it was 84 dollars and change last time I got my oil changed, that also comes with checking and filling my fluids and rotating my tires

Anthony Bucci

I got ours changed today at Take 5 Oil Change, I think it was $81.99 before taxes or whatever they charge, would have been $95 afterward, but he applied a coupon I guess and got it for $84.99.

Some Coupon Offers To Enjoy

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What do you love or not love about Russellville?

I have lived in the Russellville area my entire adult life and have had positive feelings about this area. Living in allot of different parts of the country, I feel that Russellville is one of the better places to live. It’s relatively clean, the people are friendly (for the most part) and shopping options are good.

In recent years, I have read allot of very negative comments about Russellville. It seems that allot of people here have a very poor opinion of this city.

I wanted to use this post to explore the various feelings that you have about Russellville and what you love and what you hate about this city.

We asked the question and some of you already responded. So, what are people saying about Russellville? What do they love and what do they hate?

If you want to share you voice on this subject, leave your comment here.

What people have said they love about Russellville

Brent Appleton

I love how clean the town is, Lake Dardanelle, lots of places to eat, and people are nice and friendlier than many places.

Jesse Johnson

I love the town and its downtown area. However, it’s disappointing that local businesses and events lack support here, yet there are complaints about not having anything.

Cristy Ables

I love that it’s relatively safe, less expensive than many other places, has everything you need, and is within 3 hours of everything you could want. I also love that Dardanelle is next door and that’s where I call home ❤️. Oh, and the nature stuff is pretty cool too I guess.

Kerra Ferguson
I love how to community feels close knit. I don’t love how it mainly consists of factory work with little opportunities in career growth.

Chastity Smith

I love that this is my home and overall a good community. However, too many have stalled potential growth and opportunities. We need more entertainment for all ages, more higher wage opportunities for employment.

What people have said they don’t love about Russellville

Tina Louann

Needs to be wet… tired of driving for a drink … 🍸 😒

CA Douglas

Too many run red lights be careful. Crazy how they fight to keep alcohol and casinos out, but allowed marijuana dispensatories

Dakota Kirk

I don’t love that we need more things for teens to do! Most teens and young adults are on the internet so much because there’s not many things to do besides sit in the Walmart parking lot or go to a bar. We need more activities for the youth!
I love that usually people are very kind and helpful.

Les Bellow

We need restaurants on the West side of Town

Michael McCullah

I love the small town feeling in a community that is growing. I hate the small town politics in a community that is growing. This community seems to have been held back by the politics and never has achieved its full potential. When I first came to Russellville, Conway, Morrillton, Russellville, Clarksville and Ozark were approximately the same size. Look at them now.

Lori Jostmeyer

Love that there is a gorgeous lake and places to fish. Would like to see more activities for families available. Would also love another place to shop besides Walmart. A target or similar would be amazing!

Steph Carter

How many people I see texting while driving and almost causing wrecks! Some of us have babies in the car ☹️

Angel Richardson

The roads suck, the highway department has gotten really lazy the last few years. Our road used to be decent but now they suck. I do love the beauty of Russellville and the fact that they are really bringing downtown back to life a little bit.

Darren Steele

I don’t love the lack of support for local businesses. Seems to keep allowing and advocating for corporate spots, selling out land and infrastructure that could actually be used for a business that is going to get some cash going into the local economy. Instead everyone just seems to be fine with fast food joints and coffee places, and letting that money go to some corporate headquarters across the country. You can either complain about there being nothing to do besides eat fast food, or you can try to support and buy local. You can’t have it both ways, and unfortunately Russellville doesn’t realize that.

Lisa Kilpatrick Connerly

We need actual restaurants not junky fast food and more places to shop. The roads are in need of repair. More open minded City Council members to bring in more business and larger retailers. I like there is no traffic and the hometown feel.

Josh League

not love – no good fast food restaurants

Carey Borne

Not love that they won’t let any malls come in.


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The Russellville Voice is YOUR Voice, so feel free to share content that you would like to share or REACH OUT TO US if you have comments or questions.




Your community consists of the people of Russellville irrespective of their various interests. This section employs photos, featured people, government contacts, elections, questions, and events.


Russellville Fire Department
107 North El Paso Russellville, AR 72801, Russellville
Russellville Police Department
115 W. H St. Russellville, AR 72801, Russellville
City of Russellville - Animal Control
3115 S. Mobile Ave., Russellville
Pope County Library System
116 E 3rd St Russellville, AR 72801, Russellville


Laura Wetzel
Russellville, Arkansas, United States, 0, 0
Laura Wetzel is a lifelong resident of Russellville and a graduate from Arkansas Tech University. Laura owns Quick Service Cleaners and her and her husband also own Arkansas Real Estate Collective with their partners, Kyle and Bethany Hood. She has an obvious interest in wanting Russellv […]


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In this section, we showcase the people in the Russellville area that you feel made a difference either in your personal life or in the community at large. Share a phot of this person and information about them and why they should be recognized.


Let’s build a Russellville photo album. Share your Russellville photos to share with the other readers of the Russellville Voice. You will need to be registered and logged in to share a listing here.

Things made in Russellville

Have you ever wondered what are some things made or manufactured in Russellville? We asked and you told us a variety of things, which included…

baby wipes


parking meters

dog food

tesla seat risers

ice cream

handmade soap

freeze dried candy


electricity (nuke plant)

frozen dinners

Jimmy Lile Knives

corrugated boxes

pipe fittings

obsidian weapons


If you think of something not in the list or just wanted to leave a comment about some of the other things mentioned here, please leave your comment in the comment section.